6 Common Plumbing Repair Disasters That Occur When Done Without Experts’ Assistance


Fixing problems at home without experts’ help is a common practice nowadays. However, plumbing systems can be complex, and not calling the right experts may result to plumbing disasters like the following:

plumbing1. Faucets that Don’t Fit

Faucet replacement is simple and may not need assistance from the experts. The problem comes when buyers chose the wrong faucet size. The faucet’s spout may not reach the sink, resulting to spilled water on the countertop. In some cases, the faucet itself won’t fit the main water line, which means buyers have already wasted money on the replacement. Experts consider several factors that assure correct faucets and fixtures.

2. Rubber Mania

Rubber bands are the instant fix for loose-threaded faucets. Some, however, make rubber bands as Teflon replacement that they wrap the entire faucet with rubber bands. Only experts can fix these faucet leak problems or recommend replacing the original one in case it has damage already.

3. Unclogging Drains with Wire

Most people think that snaking a wire inside a clogged drain can solve the issue. However, wires and inexperience in manipulation may only result to holes and leaks. Therefore, the problem becomes more challenging to repair for experts and may even require pipe replacement.

4. The Pipelines Labyrinth

Water systems include installing pipes. Nonetheless, lack of expertise causes some homeowners to create confusing plumbing systems considered as eyesores. Moreover, more pipes installed with inefficient methods will only result to more chances of damage. In San Diego, plumbing repair will only involve the right pipe lengths, types and joints to ensure clean and durable installation.

5. Colored Water

Photos of purple-colored water spread online as a plumbing disaster. This image may be manipulated, but news about green water coming out of faucets came out of New Jersey some time in 2012. The green color is not as vivid as when you place water in glass, but filling up pools show noticeable color that worried residents about the city’s water safety. Reports stated that the iron in the pipeline caused the discoloration.

In a possible scenario, this problem may occur once a person meddles with their pipelines. Fixing pipelines should be left to experts and see if the line needs replacement or extreme cleaning.

6. Instant Milk Container Pipe

The photo of a milk container used for fixing drain issues has been the most iconic plumbing disaster online. What makes this instant fix appalling is the use of balloon-like material, electrical cords and even a doorknob. Resources claim that experts have no clue about the purpose of such crude setup, but it certainly highlights the importance of leaving the job to an expert.

Fixing plumbing problems yourselves can be a good learning experience on top of being cost effective. However, you might find yourself wasting more money due to lack of plumbing repair experience. Call San Diego plumbing repair professionals for any plumbing system issues before it’s too late.

About Faye Gonzales 1659 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.

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