Determining the Reasons Your Ranking Isn’t Improving

searching websitesThe main goal of every search engine optimization campaign is to get your website in the first page of search engines. Through this, you’ll be able to generate traffic leads to the site and market the products and services better, leading to greater profits. That is why it’s important that you get high rankings.

Achieving that goal, however, is not going to be easy. There are many factors that will determine the success of your campaign. You can always expect to encounter complications along the way. To prepare for it and devise an effective and viable solution, you must know the causes of the problem.

Toxic Backlinks

Backlinks play a key role in rank improvement. If you have bad links, you may experience a decrease in your status. The SEO professionals from Link Cleaners say that “Toxic backlinks can compromise your position on SERPs.”That is why you should use link cleaner tools to remove poor quality backlinks.

Old and Inactive Content

Things that grab the interests of people are what keep them on your site. If you can’t provide new sets of products or services, publish fresh content regularly. Once your customers saw and read already everything on your site, they may find it boring or useless, causing them to leave and look for other sites.

Poor User Experience and Web Design

If you’re still using a 2006 theme to your website, you’ll definitely find your site way behind the competition. In the digital age, everything has to provide a good user experience.

Low-reputable Authors

It’s usual to always lean towards someone they know. Being biased is a common trait among people. When publishing content, you must also put into mind the author’s reputation. If possible, hire a well-known guest blogger. Start there and introduce influential homegrown writers eventually.

No Social Media Accounts

The majority of the people on the Internet is probably in different social media sites. To get your brand known better to the public, sign up an account on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other networks. Make sure you use it actively to interact personally with new or current customers.

You don’t have to spend money consistently to get your rankings up. You just have to know how to play your cards right. If possible, hire professionals to do the job, unless you have sufficient SEO knowledge.

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