How to Choose the Right Hotel for Your Trip

hotel room

It’s hard not to think about vacations during the pandemic. There is a lot of stress and problems that the coronavirus outbreak has caused us, and we need to take a break from it all. A vacation is one of the many therapies that a person can partake in to get rid of isolation stress.

Seeing new places, experiencing new things, and meeting new friends doesn’t come without preparation, though. To be sure, there are added preparations because of the pandemic, but there are a lot of things you should consider when picking your home for the duration of your stay. Certifying that it has an EICR report is one thing; safety for the traveler post-pandemic is another.

If you want to take a vacation after the pandemic, remember that the place you’ll stay in plays a large role too. Consider these tips to make your stay as memorable as the trip itself:

Plan your budget for the stay

When you’re going on vacation, one of the first things you need to do is to make sure you won’t run out of cash during your stay. How much you can set aside will depend on your financial situation, but then again, you won’t be able to go on a vacation overseas if your money is in the red.

If you’ve got the right budget, it’s recommended to find the right hotel for your stay. This could be for the duration of your stay. You can opt to skip hotels during the trip, but during the pandemic, this is not recommended.

Consider the hotel location

Once you’ve plotted your budget and compared it with the duration of your stay, you can now choose your hotel. The best location would be near the places you plan to visit, or where the food markets are — tourist destinations that may be of interest to you.

It’s not economical to choose a more affordable hotel but far away from where you plan to go. Instead of saving, you might end up paying extra for the trips you’re going to do. You should also consider the distance of your hotel near transportation facilities.

Don’t forget to choose your hotel while also planning your route. This is important if you want to enjoy your stay in your vacation destination.

hotel room entrance/door

If the quarantine happens again: Choose non-departure lounges

There had been instances in the pandemic where people were trapped in certain areas when the lockdowns happened. If this happens during your vacation, now what?

One place you could end up waiting for the quarantine or lockdown to finish is at the airport. If you’re going to find yourself trapped at one during the airport, consider one like the Changi Airport, awardee of the “World’s Best Airport Hotel” award.

If you’re going to stay at the airport, just remember to always keep your space to yourself. You should also find an airport that has a nice view and a welcoming ambiance.

If the quarantine happens again: Long-term stay hotels

Another place where people found themselves trapped during the lockdown is hotels.

You should consider “hotel prisons” or places that allow long-term stays for their guests. Some of these are found overseas, like that hotel in Riyadh where 200 people were imprisoned by the Saudi royal family for alleged corruption. They were afforded all the luxuries of that hotel.

Another hotel is where footballer Ronaldinho barricaded himself from the authorities in Paraguay. His ‘cell’ featured a rooftop pool and cocktail bar, among other amenities and luxuries.

You should plan ahead and get places like this if you find your destination having a ‘shaky’ situation during the pandemic.

Consider the hotel’s restaurants

You should always keep in mind that it’s better for you to have a place close to all the action when choosing your hotel. This means choosing a place where places to eat are close by, as well as the markets that you’re going to check out.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to choose a hotel that’s out of the way; you should only have all places like food, transportation, and small markets nearby, so you shouldn’t need to go very far to get a sample of the local culture.

Traveling is exciting. Each new destination is already an adventure, that’s why the pandemic has already taken its toll on most of our mental health. If traveling is opened once more after the vaccines take effect and herd immunity kicks in, consider checking this space for tips. You never know when you’ll need to read on about these nifty travel tips.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.