A Hairy Pest: Getting Rid of Head Lice Permanently

Head lice are probably one of the most disturbing problems for many families. But it’s not only children who might have it, as social and grooming habits can lead to the spread of the infestation from one family member to the rest. There are certainly a lot of ways of removing head lice for good. Still, most parents and adults are advised to prevent their child from getting head lice; you won’t have to treat head lice if it’s not there in the first place.

Still, not everything can be prevented, and there’s going to be a point that you’ll feel you or your child’s scalp itching. Could it be head lice? Is it just dandruff? We’ll be answering some much-needed questions while also determining effective ways of getting rid of head lice for good.

Are Head Lice Serious?

Head lice are known for being one of the more common parasites that have affected both children and adults around the world. As parasites, they feed off the blood of their host, usually from the scalp of the individual. ; Most of the time, this is more common in children, especially those that are attending school since children are near each other. All it takes is one child within the same institute to spread head lice to other hosts.

Female head lice will usually lay eggs around the scalp area. These areas are warm enough for the eggs to hatch into younger head lice. Most people will often mistake these eggs for dandruff since they have a yellowish or white hue.

Regardless of your personal hygiene, lice can easily spread from one person to another. Although lice do not cause any major health concerns, there’s a common preconceived notion that most people with lice are dirty and unhygienic. Some studies have shown that there’s a link between having a severe lice infestation that of anemia. However, the study was more biased as the subjects were pregnant and had menstrual bleeding while the experiment was on-going.

man scratching the back of his head

Do I Have Head Lice?

The following symptoms are present in those with head lice:

Itching and Scratching

One of the most common signs of an infestation is itching. This is especially true for those that have a severe allergic reaction to the bite of certain types of insects. Contrary to what most people think, the first time a child will have head lice, there won’t be any symptoms until a month through the infestation. By this time, individuals will start scratching their heads and the area around it.

Movement on your scalp

Lice are insects and parasites that will often move towards other parts of your head. Most individuals will complain of having a crawling feeling on their scalp. These types of parasites are always on the move when looking for areas to feed off.

  • Red bite marks and bumps close to your scalp – Head lice will get out of your scalp’s boundaries and will feed off areas around your head. Infections can occur if you keep on scratching these marks.
  • Difficulty sleeping – Head lice are known for being sensitive to light and will find spots to feed off during night time. If someone has been uncontrollably scratching while not being able to sleep, they might have head lice.
  • Nits on your hair – Younger head lice are harder to spot. But once the infestation reaches a certain level, it’s easier to determine if you have head lice. Lice eggs and nits are often found at the hair shaft.

It’s important to note that head lice can move from one person to another that is in close proximity with infected hair. Since children are one of the more active age groups, they are more than likely to get lice from their colleagues. It can spread from one family member to another if individuals share tools of grooming and hair care.

Some items that can be infested with lice can include:

  • Hairbrushes
  • Combs
  • Pillowcases
  • Towels
  • Headphones
  • Headwear
  • Hair accessories

So what are some ways of preventing head lice infestations?

Cutting Your Hair

Traditionally speaking, getting a haircut is one of the tried and tested ways of preventing head lice from multiplying. Some parents will shave their child’s heads, especially when the infestation has gotten severe. Still, it’s important to have a professional administer medication when rooting out such an infestation. Fortunately, there are barbershops in your neighborhood that are known for different types of haircuts and hair treatments that will keep your hair healthy and flexible.

Still, it’s important to inform barbershops ahead of time so that the barbers will be able to prepare. However, there are some businesses that are specifically geared towards treating lice infestations. Some barbershops can refuse clients that do have life infestations. Lice can easily infect other individuals, especially in a barber setting.


Applying the right medication is one of the best ways of removing head lice permanently. Normally, this will come in the form of shampoos, creams, and over-the-counter prescription medicines.

The type of medicine that you’ll be getting will also be determined by how severe the infestation is and the age group of the individual. The feeling of discomfort is often related to serious health complications, and professional supervision might be needed.

There are different ways of treating head lice; you don’t necessarily need complex and intricate medication or tools when addressing head lice since it can be treated with over-the-counter medication.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.