The Unlikely Pair: Cleaning and Meditation

woman cleaning house

Leading a busy and hectic lifestyle may lead you think that peace can be only found when you are not doing something. Anything that involves stress and activity will never be considered as a venue for meditation. However, all it takes is a little shift in perspective.

Meditation may be the last thing that will come to mind when you’re doing the laundry, dusting the ceilings, and washing the dishes. After all, these are just mundane chores you’d want to get over with quickly. However, marrying house chores and meditation is actually possible.

Consider the activity’s mundanity as an opportunity to talk to yourself, introspect, and become fully aware of life. Here are some pointers you’d want to take into account:

Keep It Slow

Maybe you’d want to finish your job quickly, but that will compromise the quality of your work. Moreover, it will take away your chance to be mindful. So, instead of racing with the clock, try to carve enough time for you to meditate. While doing so, it is important that you keep certain distractions at bay, such as your mobile phone; otherwise, you will find yourself checking out the notifications on your social media accounts from time to time.

Set the Mood With Music

Music is one of the best mood-setters, and you can make use of it while you are cleaning your home. And since the goal is to meditate, you may want to play relaxing music. Modern ambient choices can be considered – the likes of Tycho and Chinsaku. But nothing’s stopping you to play tracks from classical and romantic eras, such as Chopin’s Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 or Grande Valse Brillante, Mozart’s Piano Sonata (1st Movement), or Debussy Arabesque No.1 or Doctor Gradus Ad Paranassum. However, you also have the freedom to play upbeat and loud pop and rock music, especially if you think that this is your definition of “soothing.”

Get in Touch With Your Thoughts

man holding tablet

Since you are meditating, you may want to observe every breath you take. While doing it, try to get in touch with your thoughts and hold on to them carefully. In case negative intrusive thoughts come in, don’t try to drive them away, as they will persist and make you anxious. Instead, take a deep breath, let them linger for a while, and you will find that they will leave your mind eventually.

Take the Time To Plan Your Life

Some people actually come up with brilliant ideas and life plans while they are cleaning. Maybe you’re a writer who wants to finish your novel. You can take this opportunity to draw up scenarios. Who knows, the next big idea in business may even be conceived while you’re hunched over and thoroughly cleaning the toilet!

It’s a rewarding experience!

Cleaning and meditation may feel like an unlikely pair. But hey, it works! It’s just about being mindful, an attitude or practice that you can also apply to other areas of your life. You’ve got to try this – it’s a gratifying experience!

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.