Why You Should Keep Using a Hydrating Cream in the Summer

Asian woman applying cream

It’s summertime in the Philippines, and it is extremely hot! If you have oily skin like me, then chances are you are tempted to throw your bottle of hydrating cream because hey, you will be producing oil and sweat anyway. Well, let me tell you that throwing it out, especially during the summer, is one huge mistake.

Hyaluronic acid is an active ingredient in moisturizers. It is already present in everyone’s skin, but sometimes, your skin needs a little more TLC. I personally use the Hydrating Day Serum from Kedma, a leader in skincare in Philippines, as it moisturizes my skin without making it too oily and greasy.

I apply it as a base before putting my makeup on in the morning, and it leaves me feeling refreshed and protected all through the day! No matter what the season is, our skin needs additional moisture.

Sure, our bodies naturally hydrate our skin by drawing water from our bloodstream, but that is almost always never enough, especially in the summer when the heat is so intense.

Consider your skin type

As I have said earlier, the extreme heat can make your skin oily and greasy, which is why you should choose the right type of hydrating cream for your skin.

If you have oily skin, look for a water-based moisturizer or serum. The one I am using from Kedma has “Aqua” as its first ingredient, which means that water is its main ingredient. These types of moisturizers are easily absorbed by the skin and will make you less oily but still hydrated throughout the day.

If you have sensitive skin, then stay away from moisturizers that contain parabens, fragrance, and other harmful ingredients that can give you a breakout. Look for an all-natural type of moisturizer to avoid irritating your skin.

For dry skin, you can consider using oil-based moisturizers. This gives your skin the extra boost that it needs, leaving you looking glowing and healthy all throughout the day.

If you have normal skin, then you are in luck — as you can use almost every type of moisturizer in the market!

Our skin needs moisturizer in the summer just like we need water to keep us hydrated. Have a fun-filled summer!

About Faye Gonzales 1659 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.