What To Do If You’re Falsely Accused of a White-Collar Crime


White-Collar crime is defined as a non-violent crime, usually involving business or financial matters. Examples of common white-collar crimes include fraud, embezzlement, labor racketeering, and insider trading, just to name a few.


If you have been falsely accused of white-collar crime, the next steps you take can greatly determine how the accusation will affect your future. Here's what you need to do if you find yourself in this situation:


1. Stay calm


If you are arrested for a crime you did not commit, don't panic. Remember that an arrest doesn't mean you're guilty. Cooperate with the police and don't say anything that can incriminate you. When you get to the police station, contact a reputable criminal lawyer in Long Island or any other place.


The police will assume that everything you say is factual while you're in custody, so lying to them can lead to even more problems. To avoid saying anything that you shouldn't tell the police, exercise your right to remain silent until your lawyer gets there.


2. Gather evidence


After you're released from the police station, gather all the evidence you can get. Your lawyer can assist you with acquiring the proper documentation you need to support your case in court. Together, make sure you find all copies of relevant transactions and documents for the case, such as receipts, emails, bank records, phone records, and other possible sources of evidence.


Do not, under any circumstances, destroy evidence that you think may make you look bad. If you do this, it can make you look even more suspicious in the eyes of the police. Moreover, it can land you a criminal charge for destroying possible evidence.


3. Cooperate with your attorney


Your criminal defense lawyer will unturn every stone to acquit you of the crime you were accused of. Regardless if you committed the crime or not, don't waste time trying to convince your lawyer that you are innocent. It's their job to prove your innocence to the judge and jury.


During the probing process, cooperate with your lawyer to the best of your ability. Give them all the information they need and never be dishonest. As they work through your case, be sure to listen carefully when they update you about their progress. Cooperating with your lawyer is one of the best ways you can prove your innocence in court, so make sure you work with them thoroughly.


4. Know your options


Even if you are not formally charged for the crime yet, learn about your options in case you get charged. If you are charged of a crime, you can take a plea deal or go into a trial, depending on the circumstances. Speak with your lawyer when weighing your options; they would know what's best for you and your future after the case.


Being falsely accused of a crime, white-collar or not, is a frustrating, infuriating, and insulting experience. But if this happens to you, it's crucial that you keep a level head and know what you need to do next.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.