Signs You Can No Longer Manage Pain On Your Own

Both chronic and acute pain should not be ignored when it is already affecting your quality of life. Pain is relative. What is still tolerable for one person might be debilitating for another. But one thing remains certain: pain must be properly managed to maintain a high quality of life.

Thus, if these signs apply to you, contacting a pain management specialist should be in order:

  1. You feel constant pain

Well-known neuropathy clinics in Los Angeles and other places recommend that both chronic and acute pain be checked out, especially if it’s constant. If you have pain that gets worse over time or acute pain that flares up every now and then but won’t go away, it’s a sign that you need to seek help from a pain management specialist immediately.

  1. You want to reduce or eliminate medication intake

Painkillers can have unpleasant side effects that may be decreasing your quality of life even more. If you want to stop taking medication for your pain, or at least reduce it by a significant amount, see a pain management specialist to find out what alternative treatments you can do.

  1. You have sharp pains that spread

Do you feel sharp pains that start in one area and spread to other parts of your body? It might be early signs of chronic pain. If you experience this symptom, a pain management specialist can help you identify the problem and solve it before it progresses into something worse.

  1. Your pain affects your quality of life

When your pain starts disrupting your everyday life, it’s an obvious sign that you should seek treatment. And you don’t need to wait until you’re completely miserable. If the pain causes you to halt in the middle of a task, miss out on activities, and cause you to no longer enjoy everyday life, it’s time to find ways to manage your pain.

  1. Your medication is no longer working

MedicineUpon diagnosis of a condition that causes chronic or acute pain, your doctor will likely prescribe you medication to manage your pain. At first, pain medication can work tremendously, maybe even eliminate the pain completely and for a long span of time. However, medication can become ineffective once your body starts getting used to it or developing a tolerance for it. When this happens, it’s a good idea to seek other forms of pain management.

  1. You have another condition

If you acquire another condition or injury that adds to your pain problems, go back to your doctor to reevaluate your pain management plan. Additional issues can make your pain worse, and thus render your current management plan ineffective.

  1. You can’t sleep well

Sleep plays a significant role in our overall wellbeing. If your pain starts affecting your sleep patterns and causes you to lose sleep, consult a pain management specialist to find ways on how you can sleep better despite your condition.

Effective pain management is key to maintaining a high quality of life despite your health conditions. Using these signs, determine if you can still manage your pain on your own or if you need to seek help from a pain management specialist.

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