Hospitality Industry

What Traits Do You Need to Succeed in the Hospitality Industry?

The hospitality industry is not for the faint of heart. It takes a lot of guts to survive in an industry where you are routinely castigated by customers, clients, and suppliers. It takes a lot of passion for someone to stand silently while an irate customer spouts off inconceivable and often impossible demands. But here,

What Traits Do You Need to Succeed in the Hospitality Industry? Read Post »

presentable entrepreneur

Sustainability in Hospitality: Promoting Sustainability in Your Travel and Tourism Business

There is a strong push for sustainability among businesses and organizations across various industries around the world. In fact, a survey revealed that almost three-fourth of respondents said their companies had put sustainability governance in place. For the uninitiated, sustainability means running a business without hurting the environment. When it comes to setting sustainability in place, the hospitality industry

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