Kitchen Design: Balancing Form and Functionality

Kitchen Designing

Kitchen DesigningThe kitchen is often the last thing you’ll think of designing in your entire house. After all, it’s a place to cook food and nothing more, so what else is there to add? Good design is important for your home’s kitchen, though; it’s all about balancing form and functionality.

Kitchen Space and Visual Appeal

Enigma Interiors explains that, usually, the design of the kitchen places an emphasis on its functionality – particularly kitchen space. While this is true, it doesn’t mean the overall design should not take into account the space’s visual appeal.

Kitchen counters and cabinets are some of the more important parts a kitchen should have, and they are surprisingly versatile as a design element. Ideally, their look should complement the overall ‘theme’ of the room. If the kitchen has a modern theme and sports dull, earthy colours, the counters and cabinetry should be brighter in hue. The contrast establishes mood and allows you to highlight specific parts of the room naturally.

Design Elements

It’s also important to place your ‘design’ elements strategically. Your cooking utensils should be close to the actual cooking areas, while the space closer to the dining table should have more nuanced accents, such as decorative plates, pictures, and centrepieces.

Colours aren’t the only things that establish the mood in your kitchen. The placement of tables and chairs also play a part in setting the atmosphere of your dining space. Ideally, the dining area should be located at the very centre of the kitchen, although placing them near the windows is also great as it establishes the scenery.

Lighting is also very important. A poorly lit kitchen not only looks bad, but it also impedes your ability to cook. The majority of lighting fixtures should be close to the kitchen area, while the dining area itself can do with nuanced or little lighting.

The kitchen is arguably one of the most important rooms in the entire home. Apart from the living room itself, it’s a place where family and friends gather. A properly designed kitchen not only makes it more ‘liveable’, but it also makes cooking very easy to do.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.