How Doctors Use Medical Imaging to Improve Your Health

Doctor pointing at an x-ray

Radiologists, sonographers, and the entire radiology support staff are important members of a multidisciplinary medical team. Medical imaging specialists and radiologists in American Fork and other towns provide significant contributions to the well-being of patients of all ages and varying disorders.

Image-Based Procedures: Revolutionizing Medical Care

High-quality imaging offers additional data that influence medical decision-making. The procedures familiar to most of us are deemed safe and effective. They provide the data they intend to measure. Some of the most popular radiological procedures are X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). They allow doctors to see what the naked eye cannot without aid. With these tests, doctors and researchers have learned so much more about the human body and formulated new ways to improve the quality of life.

In Focus: Whole Body Scan for Health Screening

A whole body scan is beneficial to healthy individuals with no specific medical complaints. An array of screening tests is available for determining the presence of diseases such as cancers in the early stages of development. Screening imaging studies offer significant information to complete a whole-body assessment of a person’s current health status. Modern equipment using harmless low-dose radiation provides superior image quality.

If you go through this screening procedure, you only have to be still for a couple of minutes as the scan goes through your internal organs. The scan will reveal the status of your heart, lung, stomach, intestines, kidneys, gall bladder, and other internal organs.

Procedures that Confirm Diagnosis

Woman about to enter a ct scan machineTechnological advancements allow doctors to ascertain internal problems without damaging tissues. Radiological procedures are non-invasive so that they can be used for diagnostic purposes. The basic usage of medical imaging procedures is in diagnosing ailments. A physical examination and history of illness may not reveal all that is necessary to satisfy the clinical picture of an ailment. External examination often does not explain what goes on inside a person’s body. Before declaring someone has a specific condition, a doctor orders additional tests such as X-ray or CT scan on the affected body part.

Apart from diagnosing illnesses, radiological tests also assist the primary physician in making adjustments to a treatment protocol and monitor the effectiveness of a therapy program. Imaging results also help in tracking the progression of an illness.

In Focus: Ultrasound Imaging

Ultrasound technology has several applications, but none more exciting than its use in monitoring the health of babies in the womb. Sonogram images of babies have improved in terms of resolution and detail. Standard 2D scans are often blurry, but they are still quite useful for doctors. Obstetricians have been using this tool for decades to ascertain issues during pregnancy. These days, some health facilities already offer 4D scans that go beyond three-dimensional photos. 4D ultrasound presents expectant parents with moving images of their little one.

Medical imaging is an essential component of diagnostics. These radiological procedures are also critical in monitoring the progress of diseases as well as a person’s current medical condition. Today, with the increased awareness on the importance of preventive medicine, medical imaging offers vital information to guide physicians in helping families and individuals towards healthy lifestyle choices.

About Faye Gonzales 1659 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.