Five Things You Need to Pack for Your Beach Trip

Couple running on a sandy beach

With the summer season now at its peak, you probably cannot wait to go to the beach and soak up the sun. The long stretch of sea and sand is surely a sight to behold this time of the year.

But before you get too excited for your beach trip, you need to get your bag ready with all the must-haves so that you can enjoy your day without any hassle. Here is a basic checklist to help you prepare and pack for your upcoming trip.

Tote Bag

Your day at the Sentosa beach bar would not be complete without a handy big bag to carry everything that you need. A tote bag has enough space for you to put all the stuff you need to enjoy your vacation. You can even have your name embroidered on it so that no one will accidentally mistake your bag for theirs and take it.

To ensure that you utilise all the space in your bag, you can roll your towel completely instead of folding it. Also, use the bag’s pockets for small items, such as your handy book or a bottle of sunscreen.


You know that it can get too hot under the sun especially during the day. So, it is a must to keep yourself hydrated all the time. Bring a tumbler with you to carry your water. Using a well-insulated tumbler, in particular, will make sure that your drink stays cold for several hours.


Sunglasses at the beachAside from your skin, you also need to protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Your sunglasses do not have to be expensive at all. It can even be cheap—but stylish—so you would not cry over it in case you lose it on the beach. However, you need to check if its lenses have enough UV protection to shield your eyes from the sun.

Beach Towel

Choose a beach towel that is made from high-quality cotton and comes with a considerable size. Doing so will give you enough space to lie on all day while you relax. Moreover, top-quality cotton is absorbent enough to keep you dry after you go for a swim. Choose a design that will reflect your personality too, if you must.


The sun can get hot especially when you are on the beach. Although wearing flip-flops is great, opting for a slide sandal can give you much secure yet stylish footwear at the beach. You can also easily pack it inside your tote bag and use to avoid the heated sand. Wearing slide sandals will even step up your style even if you have been spending your day under the sun.

These are just a few of the things that you should not forget to bring when you are going on a beach trip. Make sure that your skin is well protected by using a sunscreen that has at least 50 SPF. Also, wear the right kind of swimwear so you can avoid getting an uneven tan.

About Faye Gonzales 1656 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.