Top tips for dental surgeries on social media

editing a blog

Many people assume that social media is a platform to communicate with friends, put out videos of challenges like the ice bucket challenge, and watch cute cat videos.

Yes, these are all essential parts of social media, but when you have a business, these platforms offer a free and highly-popular area to advertise your business. And, while it may seem odd for dental teams to have social media accounts for their dental surgeries, if you don’t have one, you are seriously missing out!

So, what are some tips for successfully managing and using social media for dentists?

Be consistent

Try to regularly post quality content to engage your followers and keep your page active. These posts can take the form of blogs, vlogs, dental news, or even information about upcoming offers at your dental clinic.

Try to post content on social media every day, as this will prompt more engagement from your followers and help with your site’s SEO.

Use visually appealing content

Text and blogs are fine, but on social media, especially Instagram, images are essential. So, try to post visually appealing content; this can include pictures of your team, your dental clinic, or a new piece of equipment that you have in your clinic. Also, dabble with videos and graphics to make your page more exciting and engaging for those who are scrolling through it.

Highlight your services


Everyone knows that dental surgeries offer check-ups, but what else can your team offer to patients? Are you a cosmetic dental team? Can you offer Invisalign? Make sure to promote your services, including new procedures and technologies, to attract new patients and encourage current ones to engage with additional benefits.

Interact with your followers

Social media is all about likes, commenting and sharing. Respond to comments on your posts, private messages, and reviews promptly to build a solid online presence and establish trust with your followers. Even if the reviews are not glowing, you should aim to resolve them instead of ignoring them.

Utilise social media advertising

social media apps on phone

Try to use social media advertising to reach a wider audience and attract new patients to your dental practice. Social media advertising can include pay-per-click, but it can also simply be targeted adverts. In this area, it is usually best to consult with a marketing team that specialises in dentistry, as they will be able to choose the best option for your dental clinic.

Stay informed

While it may not seem that dental health is hot news, with the rate that new technologies are advancing, it is essential to stay ahead of the curve if you want to create unique content that will attract patients. So, stay updated with the latest trends, news, and developments in dentistry to keep your content relevant and informative. Once again, this can be tough if you run a small dental clinic, but, as mentioned earlier, a marketing team can be helpful here, as they can focus on the online content, and you can focus on the in-person element. Great!

About Faye Gonzales 1659 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.