Why dental preventive maintenance is necessary

dental appliances

The best way to enjoy a lifetime of beautiful smiles is to have a professionally-trained hygienist Richmond carry out preventive dental techniques such as thorough dental cleanings. While a good at-home dental hygiene routine is the first line of defence against dental diseases, preventive dentistry is the industry’s advanced form of defence available to dental practitioners to safeguard patients’ oral health and function.

Dental decay is considered one of the most prevalent chronic diseases with 84 percent of adults in the UK said to be at risk of suffering the unwanted poor oral health issue. It is the combination of factors that increase the likelihood of developing tooth decay.

These factors include failing to brush teeth twice a day as recommended by dental authorities, consuming sugar-heavy diets and missing out on routine dental check-ups. In addition to these factors, there are also medical conditions like diabetes and taking certain medications that can heighten the susceptibility to developing tooth decay.

Those who do not consider tooth decay to be an alarming prospect, fail to factor in the far-reaching consequences that follow when natural teeth can no longer be rehabilitated back to health and need to be removed. A major concern with dental decay is that the condition directly impinges on the quality of life one leads.

Woman in dentist

The nature of dental diseases increases the possibility of the patient experiencing pain and discomfort that can rob them of the ability to carry out everyday tasks. Tooth pain for instance can make eating, talking and sleeping nearly impossible. Work and school days are also lost as focus and concentration are overtaken by pain. Then, there is the loss of a confident smile and the disastrous effect this has on mental and psychosocial wellbeing.

The protective role of preventive dentistry

Preventive dental techniques focus on protecting the health and function of the mouth, and by extension, that of the physical body too. Preventive measures such as professional cleanings, fluoride treatments, sealants and patient education are vital to ensure teeth and gums are kept bacteria and disease-free.

Preventive dentistry offers a benefit of a different kind that is also desired by patients – saving of money and time. By implementing measures that treat minor symptoms before they escalate into bigger headaches, preventive dentistry saves patients money by not having to pay for complex dental treatments to either save teeth or replace teeth. Complex dental treatments also require a few dental appointments that can eat into busy schedules. By taking care of dental health concerns as they arise, patients help themselves avoid expensive and time-consuming treatment plans.

The physical body is another recipient of the benefits of preventive dentistry. When gum health is protected, so are life-giving organs such as the heart and lungs. Numerous studies have drawn a correlation between gum disease and potentially fatal conditions like heart disease and lung infections. Bad oral pathogens responsible for gum disease have been found to clog arteries and blood vessels.

Preventive dentistry is good news for whole-body health. Both children and adult patients can benefit from preventive dental measures.

About Faye Gonzales 1658 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.