How missing teeth threaten overall health

missing teeth

How long should we keep the use of our natural teeth? The ideal answer is: for life. However, 6 per cent of UK adults do not have the use of their natural teeth; they have to rely on other artificial teeth devices to help them bite and grind down food.

It is always unfortunate when a patient loses a natural tooth. Not only can this undesirable event pose an interference in masticatory function, but lost teeth can also result in discomfort and pain as undue pressure is placed on existing teeth. Then there is the fact that gaps in the dental arch do not make for attractive smiles.

Whether it is to restore proper masticatory function or improve dental aesthetics, looking into suitable missing teeth replacement devices at reputable dental practices like Sheen Dental Implants Richmond offer plenty of benefits that extend beyond dental health.

Ways missing teeth endanger health

Right at the top of the list is nutritional deficiencies. The primary role of teeth is to grind down food into digestible pieces. When this function is impeded because of a missing tooth (depending on where it is positioned) or teeth, it makes it more difficult for the patient to eat a diverse array of foods. Not being able to eat certain foods may mean missing out on essential nutrients the body needs to function well.

Another concern related to this is that the patient may want to avoid eating altogether especially if they experience pain throughout. This raises the concern of malnutrition which can be life-threatening.

missing teeth

Missing teeth have wider implications for the health of the gums and jawbone, both of which need teeth to remain healthy and strong. The risk of gum disease is heightened when teeth are lost due to decay. The open sockets of teeth that have fallen out or been extracted and not filled by a dental device are ideal breeding grounds for bad bacteria to flourish and impact the health of gums. Bad bacteria can also move beneath the gum line to reach the roots of neighbouring teeth, where they can wreak havoc and cause further tooth loss.

The jawbone, too, is heavily dependent on teeth remaining healthy. Jawbone quality is maintained through teeth roots that provide stimulation to the bone. When these dental roots are absent, the danger to bone density begins. Jawbone reabsorption is a condition that endangers the longevity of existing teeth and contributes to a withered aged look of the face.

Gaps in between teeth directly affect a person’s confidence levels. Their speech may be affected as a full set of teeth is needed for clear speech patterns and consequently, they may avoid speaking in public out of embarrassment.

There are many measures available for patients to protect the longevity of their natural teeth and avoid the negative consequences of teeth being lost. A proactive attitude to dental health involves the most basic of measures like brushing twice a day at home and flossing. Equally important are regular dental checkups and seeking professional dental care as soon as a dental issue becomes noticeable

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.