Environmentalism While Traveling the World: Is It Possible?

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The word hypocrite can sometimes come to mind when you see people talking about environmental protection and sustainability and yet, continue to jet-set around the world. Taking a commercial or private flight is one of the biggest producers of carbon dioxide emissions. Every time you board a plane, that’s what you’re contributing to the planet: more degradation. And yet, it is impossible not to want to see the world. So, here are the tips you have to follow when you want an eco-friendly trip.

Don’t Fly at All

If you can take the train to where you are going, choose that over flying. The best way to reduce CO2 emissions is to not take the plane. If you do have to take the plane, opt for a long-distance flight rather than a series of short-distance flights. Short-distance aviation reportedly causes more pollution per kilometer compared to one long-haul flight. Avoid stopovers, too. The extra cost of a direct flight is worth it if you want to protect the environment.

Choose Economy and Pack Light

Flying economy is better than flying business class. Economy cabins are more efficient because they carry more people. Packing light can also help reduce the fuel that the airplane needs to run. Heavy loads mean the airplane has to use more fuel to run.

Offset Your CO2 Emissions

There’s a way for you to offset the CO2 emissions from that flight you are going to take. Some organizations earn a commission from every ticket you buy. They use this commission to plant trees or invest in solar panel projects. Make sure to book the flight on the website that will provide a commission to these environmental organizations.

Be Conscious of the Brands You Support

People tend to shop for new (winter or summer) clothes when they travel. Instead of going to your usual spots, opt for brands that use sustainable fashion for their products. Eco-friendly men’s wear is fast-becoming a need when people travel because it is easy to maintain, and it’s actually cheaper compared to other brands. You may want to keep this in mind the next time you look for a ski jacket for that ski trip in Switzerland.

Choose Your Destination Well

If you’re choosing a destination to visit, pick somewhere nearby for a staycation. Not only are you going to infuse much-needed money into the local economy, but you will also reduce your carbon footprint. If you want to go abroad, stay away from areas with massive water shortages. You are going to put a greater strain on their already limited resources. You can consider going to an area that’s been recently hit by a natural disaster to help the local community with much-needed income and support.

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Pick a Smart Accommodation

Thankfully, there are many smart accommodations now. These accommodations use smart technology and eco-friendly materials in their construction. They also used solar panels, wind turbines, energy-efficient lighting, composting, and recyclables in their services and processes. Look for the certifications that will indicate the hotels are eco-friendly.

Bring a Reusable Bag

It doesn’t seem much, but bringing a reusable bag will reduce your dependence on plastic bags. These disposable bags can last 500 years in the landfill. That’s how long it takes for them to breakdown. When you go to the local markets or souvenir shops, bring a reusable bag with you, so you don’t have to use those harmful plastic bags.

Eat Local Produce

You wouldn’t think that food can produce carbon emissions, too, right? But it actually is one of the biggest producers of CO2. Imagine the ingredients of the meal coming from the other side of the city that you’re visiting. The cost of transporting it doesn’t only add to the price of the meal but also to the degradation of the environment. So, why not eat local produce and drink locally made beers? Let your tastebuds contribute to your aim to make your travels sustainable.

Walk and Bike

Try not to take the taxi, bus, and train when visiting tourist spots. If you can, rent a bike. That’s better for your health. It’s also better to walk than take a cab. You’ll get in a couple of hours of exercise, and you’ll see more by walking throughout the city.

There are many ways to make your travels as eco-friendly as possible. It’s all about being conscious of how to get to the destination, where you’re staying, and what kinds of activities you’re going to do. Keep these tips in mind the next time you’re off on an adventure.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.