5 Ailments You Can Get When Staying at the Office for Too Long


More people are now spending long hours at their office, with 86% of men and 67% of women working over 40 hours a week. Although working overtime may give you more incentives, and it’s great for business, it can take a toll on your health and well-being.

Whether you get paid for working overtime or not, your health pays the ultimate price. Here are the most common medical conditions that the average office worker may develop over time.


Dust, pollen, and mold are the common invisible allergy triggers that invade the office space. These allergens usually get trapped in insulated commercial workspaces or office buildings with poor ventilation. These factors typically make it challenging for those who have existing allergies, affecting their work output and overall well-being. That’s why it pays to clean the office now and then. If workers don’t have the time to clean their designated areas, managers can always hire commercial building and office cleaning services for a clean and allergen-free workspace.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is quickly becoming a common issue with the modern office worker, as most type on their keyboards for the rest of the day, placing pressure on wrists. This stress affects the median nerve, which is responsible for supplying feeling and movement to the hand, leading to numbness or muscle damage. You can do this by doing simple stretching exercises to release the tension on your wrists.

Low Back Pain/Lumbar Problems

back pain

More and more office workers, no matter the age, are experiencing lower back pain or lumbar problems. This is because these individuals usually sit on their chairs for a prolonged period, affecting your posture and placing excessive stress on your lower back, causing pain. You can prevent this by practicing a proper sitting posture, regular exercise, and standing now and then to improve blood flow. Although if you think your backaches are getting worse, it’s wise to visit a chiropractor to achieve long-term relief and improve your work output.


When you work at an office job that requires you to face a glaring desktop computer screen for more than eight hours a day can take a toll on your eyes. Around 64% to 90% of employees who use computers daily reportexperiencing eyestrain, migraines, dry eyes, and blurred vision, affecting their overall health, well-being, and work output. You can avoid this by taking breaks now and then, keeping your eyes off the screen, or using anti-radiation glasses to lessen the effects.


Most office jobs require individuals to sit at a desk for a prolonged period. When workers go home, most opt to relax on their sofas rather than participating in physical activities. Besides this, staying long hours at work can increase levels, leading to stress eating, contributing to excessive weight gain. Obesity leads to other chronic conditions, including Type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and high cholesterol. You can prevent this by watching what you eat at the office and replace junk food with healthier alternatives. For instance, instead of eating chips while working, opt for almonds or cashew nuts.

It can be easy for the average office worker to put their health at the bottom of their priorities when they’re constantly juggling long hours at work with family and personal time. But now that you know how staying in the office for too long affects your health over time, make your health the top priority for a more fruitful, happier, healthier career path and lifestyle.

About Faye Gonzales 1661 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.