Working from Home: The Dos and Don’ts of Running a Home-based Business

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There are plenty of reasons to start a business from home. It’s a good way to earn some money without the risk of using public transportation or crowded offices. Unlike brick and mortar stores, you don’t have to pay an expensive lease or utility bills every month. You’ll also have flexibility and control over your time.

But it’s not easy. You have to do it right to enjoy all the benefits. To help you build your business, check out these dos and don’t of operating a home-based business:

Do Get Insurance

Insurance is essential for everyone. It’s not just for houses or cars. It’s especially crucial if you run your own business or work from home. When you follow the traditional work model and are employed by a company, you’re protected in some capacity. For example, if you get harmed in your line of work, you’re entitled to some sort of compensation. It’s not the same when you are your own boss. It’s up to you to pay up for any damages. Here’s when the insurance comes in. Errors and omissions insurance is one of the most ideal for professionals. It protects you from liability if you give advice that could be wrong. For example, if a client is unhappy with the services provided and files a lawsuit, it can relieve the financial burden brought on by legal bills. You don’t have to worry about the expenses on top of the stress and negative attention while fighting a lawsuit. Everyone, from engineers to insurance agents, can benefit from E&O insurance.

The important thing is to get the right type of insurance. Otherwise, it would be harder to file and win a claim when the time comes. It all involves different factors: the number of people employed, client meetings at home, and nature of business. Consult a professional before you make a final decision.

Don’t Work from Just Anywhere

One of the best things about working from home is the autonomy. You don’t have to worry about dressing to impress. If you have a video call, you can just wear a jacket to cover up your pajamas if need be. No more wearing makeup or uncomfortable dress shoes. At home, you can put your comfort first. The thing is that it shouldn’t mean that you should work from your bed or the couch.

You don’t have to have a formal home office. But it will help if you have a fixed workplace at home.

The lines between work and professional life are blurred when you work from home. At first, everything might be fine but eventually you may experience burnout. The Harvard Business Review recommends maintaining boundaries to protect your mental health. One option is to follow some steps of your old routine. Take a walk outside or prepare a hearty meal. You can also set a clear schedule so you’re not working at odd hours. Another way to set boundaries is by setting up a fixed work space at home.

Pick a spot that gets a lot of natural light. It won’t just help your eyes but also your work performance. Steer clear of TVs and game consoles that could distract you.

Do Eat Healthy

When you spend most of the day working, it’s easy to just order out or even forget about eating altogether. But it’s crucial to maintain a healthy diet no matter where you’re working. It’s not only important for your well-being but it can even improve your productivity.

To maintain a good performance throughout the day, eat smaller and more frequently. Make your meals ahead of time so you’re not rushing in the middle of a work day. Mix and match soups and proteins so you’re not eating the same thing the whole week.

Don’t Leave Your Computer Unprotected

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When it comes to working remotely, cybersecurity should always be a priority. It doesn’t matter if you live alone or have several roommates. You should be using safeguards to keep your data and files protected.

One of the best places to start is with your internet connection. Make sure to keep it encrypted and hidden. You should also regularly change the password. Use antivirus and firewall software to prevent cyber attacks. It’s also crucial to keep a copy of your important documents virtually via cloud or in a different physical location.

Before you take a plunge and start a home-based business, make sure to cover all your bases. It may be difficult especially if you’re a one-man or one-woman team. But with the right precautions, your business can grow without the need to leave your home.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.