Why Aluminum Fences Are the Eco-Friendly Alternative

Many years ago, the image of the perfect American life was having a house, two kids, a dog, and a white picket fence around the property. That picture has changed a lot over the years, but the essence remains the same.

Today, instead of wooden fences, there are more homeowners using more eco-friendly materials to secure their properties. Aluminum, for one, is a popular option because it is lightweight, soft, and malleable.

These properties make this metal a top choice for a variety of applications, including kitchen utensils, airplane parts and accessories, window frames, and more. On its own, aluminum is not a very strong material. However, alloys made up of aluminum and copper, magnesium, and silicon are strong and lightweight.

Fencing it in

When it comes to securing your home and keeping it safe from both human and animal intruders, it is wise to consider building an aluminum fence. Whether it is a farm, orchard, or residential space, you will be making a minimal impact on the environment by choosing aluminum over traditional wooden fences.

Not only will the structure last for decades, but aluminum is also stronger and fully recyclable. Additionally, the cost of aluminum fences is considerably lower than that of natural wood. The building process is also faster since fences can be pre-fabricated. After measuring your property, contractors can dig the foundation and build the posts then bring the fences in for assembly.

No harm to the trees


You can proudly say that no trees are harmed during the entire fencing process. Aluminum fences do not require any lumber during the preparation phase nor the installation. These fences can also be completely recycled.

In case you are moving or selling the property and want to return it to its pristine state, the fences can be taken down section by section. It can be up-cycled into decor, sculpture, or taken to a scrap metal yard. You may even get a bit of money in exchange for bringing the metal fences in.

Maintenance and upkeep

Natural wood fences can be easily damaged by exposure to the elements. They are also prone to termite attacks and can be chewed off by animals. While aluminum is stronger, however, it still experience its share of wear and tear.

Unlike iron, aluminum does not rust but is prone to corrosion. When this happens, the aluminum turns dull grey or powdery white in color, and the resulting product is referred to as aluminum oxide. The corrosion is barely noticeable.

Aside from this, aluminum fences can also become encrusted with grime, calcium, grease, oil, as well as hard water stains depending on the location. The more exposed your gate is to pollutants and the elements, the more stains and corrosion it can experience.

You can use an aluminum cleaner to remove corrosion and buildup. After a thorough clean, use a liquid polish or paste to restore its shine. It also serves as a light barrier or an extra level of protection to keep your fences looking great for a long time.