When Did Humans Start Fishing?

Fishing Fishing is still among the oldest methods of food sourcing (and now a sport) humans partake in. Whether done traditionally or by modern means (i.e. amphibious fishing vehicles from Shanksargo.com), fishing remains a significant part of people’s lives throughout the world. And it’s not likely to die out anytime soon. Fish won’t catch themselves, after all.

Humans were hunter-gatherers and nomads before they became farmers. It means that ancient people had to get their food elsewhere, wherever there’s enough game on both land and sea. This fact showcases mankind’s age-old ingenuity and persistence. Because of such endless searching, humans finally discovered the practice of fishing.

Ancient Fishermen

Nobody knows the exact date when people started fishing. What experts do know, however, is that humans were already fishermen before they began recording history. An incredible find in a cave off the eastern coast of East Timor proves this. Known as Jerimalai, this cave harbored evidence of prehistoric fishing equipment alongside the remains of fish, most notably tuna.

Archeologist Sue O’Connor from the Australian National University, along with her team, believes that the hooks are probably dated as far back as 50,000 years. Furthermore, the researchers think that the hooks are also proof of ancient people’s deep-sea fishing abilities. Of the 2,843 individual fish remains found at the Jerimalai site, O’Connor and her team note that almost all specimens are deep-sea dwellers.

Old School Overfishing?

There is much talk about overfishing in modern times. While various statistics prove this, it’s hardly a “modern” thing. According to several archeological studies, humans have had a significant impact on modern fisheries for at least 1,000 years now. The findings were presented in an Ocean Past II conference held in Vancouver, British Columbia. Data reveal that 1,000 years ago, European fish populations were already declining.

Overall, fishing as a human practice is ancient, well-refined, and prone to being overdone. There is no shortage of evidence that people civilizations have relied on it heavily, and without it, modern society wouldn’t have existed.

About Faye Gonzales 1659 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.