What You Should Serve Based on Event Types

Event Types

Organising a work event is a big task that requires painstaking attention to detail. It is so easy to get caught up in making sure everything runs perfectly smoothly that one might forget to pay attention to one of the most important parts of hosting a successful event: the catering. Yet without delicious and appropriate food to accompany a day of work, any event can fall flat. Here are some tips for choosing the right kind of food for your event so that everyone involved goes home feeling good at the end of the day.

Conferences and seminars

Usually, serving food at a conference requires careful planning as multiple meals need to be served. The conference or seminar is started off with a light breakfast consisting of tea, coffee, juice, pastries, and light snacks such as croissants or muffins. This is then followed by lunch, which is a more elaborate affair. It is standard to have at least two options on the menu. Alcohol is also usually served during lunch, if it is served at all.

Since conferences are often attended by large groups of people, make sure that there are options such as vegan. If it is a day-long conference, there will usually be an afternoon coffee break with beverages and snacks such as cookies and cakes. There are many diverse catering services in Melbourne that can help cater all the food for the same event to ensure that there is no service lag. There is nothing worse than an auditorium full of hungry conference attendees.


There is more opportunity to be creative with the food served at office meetings. You can order food from everyone’s favourite restaurant and items such as pizza for informal meetings. More formal meetings, including board meetings and executive meetings, are usually catered. They consist of lunch options such as a buffet with a few items. If alcoholic drinks are served, they are usually limited to light drinks such as wine and beer.


Networking and after-hours events

Networking and after-hours events are the perfect time to break out the finger food. They usually take place in bars and restaurants, and alcoholic beverages are served. The best ideas for after-hours events are to serve light canapes consisting of dips and bread, small bites such as boneless wings, pizza, and other similar food.

Office parties

These are the one event that everyone in the office looks forward to all year. It is important not to disappoint them. Usually, companies go all out at office parties and order lots of food. Greasy snacks such as wings and cookies are okay, though healthy options are also equally important to have. Balance out all the guilty-pleasure food with plenty of cut-up fruits and non-alcoholic drinks. Just make sure that you don’t forget the cake as this is the heart of the office party.

Food is often at the heart of any memorable event. If an event is catered beautifully, the pride you feel is enormous. Make sure to put effort into the food.

About Faye Gonzales 1659 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.