The Truth About Breast Augmentation and Breastfeeding: 5 Myths

Plastic surgery doctor draw line on patient breast augmentation implant

Plastic surgery doctor draw line on patient breast augmentation implantDespite being one of the most sought-after cosmetic surgery procedures worldwide, many myths about breast augmentation persist, especially in relation to pregnancy and breastfeeding. Below are five of these myths debunked:

You can’t breastfeed if you have breast implants.

This is undoubtedly the most common misconception about breast implants, but the truth is that many women with breast implants have successfully breastfed their little ones with no negative effects.

Breast augmentation will negatively affect milk supply.

This is false. As long as your surgeon is reputable and don’t damage any nerves or milk ducts during the procedure, your milk supply won’t be affected at all. In addition, while some mothers find it difficult to breastfeed, it’s rarely the fault of breast augmentation.

Augmented breasts are more painful or sensitive when breastfeeding as compared to natural breasts.

Many believe that breast implants could result in slight discomfort, but this isn’t usually the case since it’s the nipples that take the brunt of breastfeeding and not the breast tissue. In addition, breasts tend to be more sensitive while breastfeeding because of the milk production, especially during the first couple of days or weeks and particularly in women who are new to breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding could change the shape of augmented breasts.

The simple truth is that it’s impossible to predict how your breasts, regardless if they’re augmented or not, would look after breastfeeding. This is because genetic factors (like elasticity and skin quality) are the top contributors that influence how your breasts would look post-breastfeeding, explains Dr. Steven Warnock and other renowned cosmetic surgeons in Utah who specialize in mommy makeovers.

You need to wait for several years after breast augmentation if you want to get pregnant and breastfeed.

In general, doctors recommend between six months to a year after breast augmentation before trying to get pregnant so that the breast implants would have a chance to settle completely. However, take note that recovery time varies from one woman to another.

Now that you know the truth about these common breast augmentation myths and yet you’re still undecided, it’s best if you delay the procedure until after you’re done breastfeeding. This way, all possible breast changes would be accounted for and you won’t have to worry about breastfeeding.

About Faye Gonzales 1659 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.