5 Tips for Staying Healthy While Traveling

couple looking at the map while travelling

Traveling can expose you to a variety of infections and viruses, as well as alter your food and exercise routine. You might be wondering how to stay healthy when traveling this year. Getting sick may certainly put a damper on your vacation.

Spending time at airports or other places where people congregate, according to experts, increases your chances of contracting a cold or flu. Fortunately, there are a few basic precautions to take before traveling to avoid catching a virus.

Here are some tips to help you stay healthy while traveling over the holidays, including eating immune-boosting foods.

group of friends traveling

1. Aisle Seats on Airlines Should Be Avoided

When it comes to booking an airplane seat, you may want to be more selective. With aisle seats, you can simply get up but when your neighbor makes you get up, you will not only get less sleep but you may also be exposed to more infections.

Passengers in aisle seats on a plane were more likely to be exposed to an outbreak virus. One possible explanation is that persons strolling up and down the aisle, especially those returning from the restroom, have a tendency to grip the top of the aisle seat for support, potentially spreading germs.

While the air on planes is recirculated and virtually germ-free (fine filters prevent bacteria and viruses from recirculating), it is nonetheless polluted.

2. Get a Flu Vaccination

The flu vaccine is the most efficient way to reduce your chances of acquiring the virus and transmitting it. The flu vaccine boosts your immune system, making it easier for your body to fight influenza viruses.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the flu vaccination provides protection for roughly two weeks, so get one as soon as possible. Vaccines for the flu are widely accessible, including at your neighborhood pharmacy. Your doctor can also administer the vaccination.

3. Keep Stretching!

Your posture will be in a variety of postures that are not usual and you will sleep in different beds, which might create back pain. That is why it is important to stretch for at least 5-10 minutes every morning before beginning your day of adventure.

You will feel so much better if you stretch your legs, arms, neck, shoulders, and back. Simple neck and shoulder stretches can be done throughout the day. Stretch before going to bed since it relaxes my muscles and helps me sleep better.

If you still have back pain, then it is important to visit a chiropractic clinic like Dr Chris’ Natural Remedies who will examine your spinal balance and provide you with the relief and assistance you require.

4. Get Quality Rest

It is critical to ensure that you receive adequate sleep in order to maintain your health. Start shifting your bedtime to an hour earlier than usual three days before your trip. Add one hour the following evening and a third the following day.

The human body needs one day to acclimate to each time zone, so planning ahead can be really beneficial. Then, once you’ve arrived, it is a good idea to become used to the local time.

If you land when people are awake, for example, you should do the same. On the plane, try to get as much rest as possible. Also, if you’re arriving late at night, try to stay awake during the journey and sleep when you arrive.

5. Use Bottled Water

If you’re visiting a third-world nation, it is critical not to drink the local water since it may include bacteria that your system hasn’t encountered before. These bacteria can produce a variety of symptoms, ranging from moderate stomach distress to serious gastrointestinal problems that necessitate hospitalization. Make sure you only drink water that has been treated according to US regulations, which is usually bottled water.

While it is simple to avoid tap water, keep in mind that the ice in your beverages and the water used to wash vegetables and fruits may not have been treated. Always inquire about the water used to manufacture the ice in these situations, and wash your veggies and fruits with bottled water.

Finally, before any trip, make sure you have travel insurance and carry the details with you. While you obviously want to have a good time, your vacation may also be the ideal time to slow down, spend some quiet “you” time, and reconnect with your thoughts.

Staying healthy while on vacation requires only a few easy precautions and preparations. We hope this piece of content assists you in doing so!

About Faye Gonzales 1659 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.