Possible Penalties for a DUI Conviction in Utah

DUI in Utah

DUI in UtahAs in all other states, in Utah, you can’t drive if your BAC (blood alcohol content) is .08% or higher. For commercial drivers, however, the BAC limit is significantly lower at .04%, and those under 21 years old can’t drink and drive at all under Utah’s Zero tolerance law. It’s likewise illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana, inhalants, cocaine, and other controlled substances.

DUI Penalties in Utah

A first conviction of DUI in Utah is punishable by jail time of 48 hours, says jubelaw.com, a fine not exceeding $700, and license revocation for 120 days. If you’re convicted of DUI within only 10 years of your previous DUI conviction, you’ll be fined $800 minimum, jailed for 10 days or 240 hours, and have your license suspended for at least two years.

For the first and second DUI convictions, the court may place you under an electronic monitoring program in your home or sentence you to community service instead of jail. You’ll also be required to join an alcohol or drug screening program and an educational series related to alcohol, drugs or both, at your expense.

A third DUI conviction is punishable by a minimum of 1,500 hours jail time, a hefty fine of $1,500 or higher, and license suspension of one year or more. The court will likewise order you to enroll in a substance abuse rehabilitation program that provides inpatient or intensive treatment, as well as long-term follow-up treatments for a minimum of 240 hours. In addition, depending on the specific circumstances of your DUI case, the court can likewise order additional penalties such as more jail time, permanent or extended revocation of your driver’s license, and order you to pay all fees and fines, which include restitution fees and your treatment expenses.

Getting Legal Aid for your DUI Charge

If you’re charged with DUI in Utah, you should get help from an experienced DUI lawyer. Your lawyer will help in reducing potential penalties and ensure that your legal rights will be upheld in court.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.