In the old days, houses in Illinois didn’t have a garage, only barns. Today, a garage is used to store items rarely used in the house, including tools, bikes, and other bulky stuff that only take unnecessary space.
Because the garage traces its roots to the barns of the old America, most of its doors today are styled to look like one. However, considering that garage doors are the “face” of the garage, you should style it in a way that would complement the design of your house. At the same time, garage doors should be designed to withstand the harsh weather, according to the experts at Ar-Be Garage Doors, Inc.
Here’s what you need to know when choosing the right style and design for your garage doors:
It’s in the Details
Matching the style of your garage doors with the rest of the house creates a uniform design. The best way to do this is to copy the design of the other doors and windows in the house. Consider the size, shape, and details of your front door, windows on the side, and other entryway.
If your house has a modern design, choose garage doors that are contemporary in style. If you have an old house, pick a design that will complement the age of your home.
Colors Play a Huge Role, Too
Use color schemes to match the design of your garage doors and the house as well. You can either use the same color as your house, or pick a hue that blends with the rest.
On the other hand, if you want the garage doors to stand out, choose contrasting colors to liven it up.
Don’t Forget the Materials
The colors you choose may depend on the materials used for the garage doors. Wooden garage doors can be easily customized and repainted, though expensive. Steel ones on the other hand, are more affordable and come in different colors.
If you’re not sure which style and design to choose, contact garage door experts to help you pick the right one. Such stores can help maintain your garage doors so they can last for years as well.