How to Stay Keto While on a Road Trip

There’s just something about road trips that make us throw our diets out the window the minute we hit the freeway. At home, we’re sticking to our daily requirements and only indulging here and there. But when we’re on a road trip thrumming with excitement at the promise of fun and adventure, we seem to forget our dietary inhibitions entirely, and soon enough, we’re snacking like there’s no tomorrow and eating at any restaurant that’s convenient.

That might have been well and good before, but now that you’re on keto, you likely wouldn’t want to ruin the progress that you’ve worked so hard for. Luckily, we’ve come up with a road trip survival guide for all the keto travelers out there:

Pack a lot of keto snacks

While you’re on a road trip, you’re likely going to be exposed to carb-rich foods and sugary drinks. It can almost feel impossible to resist the temptation, especially when you’re traveling with non-keto people who are munching on chips every five minutes. But you know what can help get rid of that temptation? Having a lot of keto snacks of your own. And these days, there are a lot of keto-friendly options you can have, including keto ice cream! Just make sure to check the nutritional information to ensure that it is really keto.

Here are some low-carb, high-fat snacks that you can bring on your road trip:

  • Cheese
  • Cooked bacon
  • Beef jerky
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Nuts
  • Dark chocolate
  • Deli meat
  • Sliced avocados

Know how to order

Unless you’re traveling solo, you will likely have to stop at non-keto restaurants and fast food joints during your journey to make way for non-keto companions. Not to worry. You can still stick to your keto diet if you know what and how to order.

Order freely if the restaurant you stopped at has options that will fit into your diet. If not, modify your order to make it low-carb. For example, ask if you can get your burger buns or sandwich bread replaced with lettuce. You can also ask for additional cheese, olive oil, and meat to increase your fat intake. Just make sure to avoid the sugary dressings and sauces.

Plan your food stops

Woman holding a map in a roadtrip

If you are traveling alone, you make all the decisions, including where and when to eat. To ensure that you have plenty of keto options for your meals, plan your food stops in advance. Look up keto-friendly restaurants on your route and at your destinations. Check their menus online to see if they can cater to your needs and preferences (remember that not all “keto-friendly” restaurants have good keto options.)

If you are staying at a hotel, it’s also a good idea to call them and ask for their food options, unless, of course, if you’re not going to be ordering room service.

Eat a heavy meal before leaving

Eat a heavy, nutrient-dense keto meal before hitting the road. A good example of such is a plate of steak, leafy greens, sliced avocado, and perhaps a keto-friendly dessert. Doing this will give you the protein and fats to keep you energized throughout the day, which is especially important if your destination is quite a ways away and if you are the one driving.

Go to the grocery store

When you reach your destination, you might want to stock up on ketogenic staples from health food stores or regular grocery stores. Aside from helping you stick to your diet, grocery shopping will also save you money since you won’t have to eat out as much.

Here are some keto-friendly food options you can get at the grocery store:

  • Salad
  • Rotisserie chicken
  • Hummus
  • Cheese
  • Low-carb yogurt
  • Keto coffee
  • Keto crisps
  • Pickles and olives
  • Low-carb soda

Keep your snacks in the hotel fridge to maintain their freshness. When you have to leave, store the leftovers in your cooler so that you have something to eat for the road.

Don’t be too hard on yourself

A road trip should be a fun adventure, not a never-ending battle with your inner thoughts. You’re not going to gain ten pounds if you eat that bar of milk chocolate or drink that can of regular soda. So when you want to indulge a bit, don’t fight it too much, but don’t let your self-treat turn into an uncontrollable carb trip.

Remember: moderation is key.

When you think of road trip food before, your mind probably goes to chips, candy, sodas, and fast food. But now that you are on a keto lifestyle, you have to change your mindset about road trip food entirely, starting by taking the above-mentioned tips to heart.

Do you have other keto travel tips to share? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

About Faye Gonzales 1658 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.