An In-Depth Guide to Invisalign

Working with Dentists can be fun

Invisalign is a dental treatment method that essentially incorporates custom-made trays, which should be worn 22 hours a day. Just like braces, these trays assist with shifting your teeth into the right position, but with less conspicuousness. Expert orthodontics can customize the trays to fit the specific teeth alignment of each patient. Below are critical details about this treatment procedure.

Building your treatment

After consulting with your orthodontist in Stafford and agreeing to Invisalign, a custom plan will be created for you. The customization process will begin with molded impressions, digital X-rays and photos of your teeth to give your doctor an accurate road map to follow. Your orthodontist will then employ advanced Invisalign software to predict how the trays will alter the appearance of your teeth in weeks, months and until the end of the treatment process.

The alignment

This process involves successful placement of the aligners on your teeth and subsequent replacement with a new set after every two weeks. These aligners will not irritate your cheeks and can be removed when brushing and taking meals.

After treatment

Invisalign is effective if worn for the best part of the day. As with braces, you will need to adjust your speech when you have aligners in your mouth. In some cases, you can replace your initial aligners with the new adjusted set, but you will be required to visit your doctor after every six weeks. Such a visit will allow the orthodontist to observe your progress and make any modifications if needed. When the process is completed, your doctor might recommend wearing retainers if there are chances of your teeth reverting.

Invisalign denotes an effective method of adjusting your teeth without anyone noticing that you have them. Unlike with braces, you can drink and eat almost everything during your treatment without feeling irritation on your cheeks. This form of teeth alignment is also more hygienic as the aligner can be removed and cleaned before putting them back into your mouth.

About Faye Gonzales 1659 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.