A Deeper Look into Fluoride and Your Child’s Dental Health

kid having his teeth checked by dentist

Plaque buildup causes all sorts of problems among children. Maintaining good oral health is crucial in childhood, but parents cannot prevent their kids from eating sweet candy and acidic foods all the time.

Take a deeper and more detailed look at how fluoride treatments for children can prevent plaque buildup and tooth decay.

The consequences of demineralization

When certain food groups break down in the mouth, they produce acids that could weaken the enamel. The enamel is an outer protective layer that encapsulates and safeguards the dentil and pulp of teeth.

The outer shell is hard, but it may not stand a change given an endless onslaught of plaque and bacteria. Poor oral hygiene coupled with a preference for sweet and acidic food leads to dental problems.

Demineralization of teeth do not only contribute to plaque development but also set the tone for tooth decay. Fortunately, parents can take comfort in the fact that fluoride treatments protect the enamel of the teeth from the onslaught of substances that can damage them.

What fluoride is and how it helps

Acids and enamel do not work well together. Fluoride and enamel together work well against acids in the mouth. The resistance of enamel to damage increases with fluoride treatment from children’s dentist in Herriman, and cavities are less likely to form as well.

This is the main rationale for the addition of fluoride water — a major achievement in public health in the last century. Aside from the fluoride available in the water, parents may avail of professional treatment for their children.

kid having teeth cleaned

The good news is that when a small cavity is already present fluoride treatment can still prevent the problem from worsening. Regular brushing of teeth is a good practice, as well as flossing.

These daily oral care habits remove food particles from the mouth and lower the number of bacteria with the potential to damage teeth. Nevertheless, these practices do not offer adequate protection for the teeth. Your children will benefit from receiving fluoride treatment during their regular visits to the dentist.

Fortifying against demineralization

It all started in the 1930s when a neighborhood dentist noted a markedly less prevalence of tooth decay among folk drinking fluoridated water. Today, fluoride treatment is a standard dental procedure.

Together with good dental hygiene, the periodic application of topical fluoride paste can be quite effective in preventing tooth decay.

A family dentist will determine the status of your child’s teeth and gums and make judgments about what procedures are necessary to improve and maintain oral health. In the procedure, the dentist applies a concentrated but still safe paste of fluoride on the surface of the teeth.

The fluoride works its way into the enamel to strengthen it. The substance stays on for an hour or so and maybe rinsed afterward. Fluoride in toothpaste is helpful, as well as a fluorinated mouth wash. Use toothpaste with the Seal of Acceptance of the American Dental Association for best results. For children, it is also advisable to accompany them to the dental office for a fluoride paste application.

About Faye Gonzales 1659 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.