Best ways to clean your Invisalign

invisible braces

Taking good care of your new Invisalign in St Johns Wood is just as important as cleaning your teeth. Your new trays can easily and quickly become a centre for germs and bacteria to grow if they’re neglected and nobody wants to be placing trays of germs over the top of their teeth and gums. So, here’s how best to take care of your aligners.

How To Clean Invisalign

Products – Firstly you need to make sure you have appropriate brushes – a soft bristle manual toothbrush is an ideal tool. it’s  highly recommended that you don’t use an electric brush on aligners as the force could break the trys.

You can use any odourless, non-toxic, colour free toothpaste or soap to clean away bugs and bacteria from the surface of your Invisalign in St Johns Wood. Be extra careful when deciding which products it is that you want to use as even the slightest colour could cause the trays to stain and leave your invisaligns no longer invisible.

Cleaning crystals are an extra special cleaning product you can get to help remove bacteria and give your aligners back a sparkling shine finish. Invisalign have their own brand of these but there are other brands that do an equally stellar job of brightening up your aligners.

You want to be giving your aligners a brush every time you clean your teeth, ideally morning and night. Then a soak in cleaning crystals once a day, usually this would be good to do in the mornings when you’re in the shower. It’s also important that you’re giving your aligners a good rinse under water every time you eat.

woman holding clear aligner

Extra ways to take care

Hard Covers Cases – You can never have too many safety cases for your aligners. If you’re anything like me, things easily go missing and having invested so much in your aligners you want to be keeping them super safe. By always carrying a hard case with you, you’re doing just that. It can become very easy to just take aligners out and pop them on the side of the bed or bathroom but this could easily result in damage or loss – not to mention you’re exposing your aligners to a world of unnecessary bacteria.

Travel Toothbrushes and Toothpaste – It can be so easy to just pop your aligners in and out for food and drink without cleaning or rinsing and this is a bad idea as it encourages bacteria growth which sits on your gum line, encouraging gum disease. A big no, no if you want to keep your lovely pearly whites long -term. Make your life easier by carrying a travel set of toothpaste and toothbrush, that way no matter where you are, you are always able to give your smile a quick clean, along with your aligners which only encourages positive oral hygiene practices.

Interdental Brushes – When you’re using aligners your oral health is more important than ever and keeping interdental brushes with you at all times means you’ll always have something to give the gums a quick and easy clean too.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.