Do you want to gain new patients every month?

patients at the reception area

When you open a dental practice it is often an extremely busy time and you may not notice your lack of new patients until after everything has settled down. Loyal patients can be hard  to come by, but if you hire a professional they will be able to put a patient attraction system in place, to not only reach as many people as possible through online avenues, but to gain loyal patients that value your practice and the treatments that you have to offer. With thousands of dental practices in Australia it is important that yours stands out from the rest when someone is searching online, or you risk remaining unnoticed. A professional will be able to use a variety of techniques to reach out to your future patients, making them feel valued and navigating them away from any competitors that you have by ensuring you remain one step ahead of them at all times.

Create a plan and stick to it

When it comes to increasing the amount of new patients you get on a monthly basis it is important to stick to the marketing plan that you or the professional you have hired has created. This plan should include things like how often you will post to social media and which sites you will be updating on which days, how often you will update your website and professional blog, as well as other things. Posting regularly to your blog and social media sites will ensure that your site remains towards the top of Google’s results and embedding keywords within these will only increase your site’s chances of appearing when people search for matching terms.

happy patient

Keep your future patients away from competitors

The main issue that you will have when trying to get new loyal patients is keeping them away from competitors and interested in you. If your website and online presence has any slight issues or problems, or you have forgotten to include something, there is a high chance that people will not hesitate to look for another website that is more convenient for them to use and has exactly what it is that they are looking for. For example, everything in life today is incredibly fast paced and people expect this to be reflected in the efficiency of your website’s loading times. That being said, if your website’s pages fail to load in under three seconds it is highly likely that someone will opt to visit one of your competitor’s websites instead.

In addition to this, people now expect to be able to visit a webpage from wherever they are, albeit from a desktop computer, laptop or mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet. This means that ideally you will have a mobile friendly version of your desktop site, so people can effortlessly navigate through your website without having to constantly zoom in and out or scroll drastically to the right and left to see what information you have online. Every one in two people that perform a search on Google are using a mobile device and it has been shown that they will not hesitate to leave your site and turn to a competitor’s if yours cannot give them what they need.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.