Practical Ways to Make a Hotel Child-friendly


Travel becomes different when there are kids, specifically infants and toddlers, involved. What used to be a carefree itinerary becomes a more detailed one. Parents must take into consideration many factors to ensure that it is a safe and enjoyable trip. Even with this extra effort, there are many advantages of taking a child to travel even at their tender age.

Thus, the hotel industry must look at this unique set of travelers. They are families with an infant or toddler in tow. How can they serve this clientele better? In what ways can they encourage parents to travel with their kids? Hotel owners must see the needs of these clients to create a more unique experience. Here are some inspirations.

Include Some Child Gear as Part of Your Welcome

Some parents forego traveling because of the need for baby furniture or gear. Imagine the inconvenience of them carrying their own. Thus, a hotel owner can attract new parents to their hotel by including some baby furniture for use. Go for the best natural baby products and not only for mediocre ones. There are non-toxic bassinets or organic crib mattresses for the comfort of infants.

Investing in these items does not only serve as a marketing strategy. It shows that they care for their clients, and they value quality. They can even add a bathtub for babies and bottle warmers if requested. When parents know that such things are available, they will get encouraged to travel.

Offer Kid-friendly Menus

Another concern for parents during travel is what to offer their young ones. They can only bring a certain amount of snacks or food according to their preference. But, it would be a great relief if a hotel’s restaurant would be innovative with their food choices.

Offer fresh vegetable or fruit purees for infants. A chef can also whip up healthy and tasty portions of toddler food. Making it appealing to the eyes would help to encourage children to try something new. A hotel restaurant can even level up and have some menus for lactating mothers.


Create Age-appropriate Events and Activities

Some parents, even the most devoted ones, long to have some rest and quality “me-time”. They also long for a time as couples. Hotel owners can come up with activities where staff can supervise children of the same age. They can have playtime or even swimming time for the little ones. Art sessions and sports may appeal to energetic toddlers. The management must ensure parents, though, that their children are in competent hands.

Hotel owners can also think of activities where the parents are only a room away from their children. For example, children can be in a playroom or sleep room next to the spa. Even an hour of free time for parents will make them happier, and they would feel rejuvenated. Their children can also enjoy socialization with other children.

Provide Amenities and Facilities for the Family to Enjoy

Though it is enjoyable to bring a child to different places, it may not always be the top option for some parents. Give them alternative ways to enjoy even if they are only on the hotel premises. A wide room is enough for children to stretch their legs or run around. A premium subscription to Netflix can also entertain the kids with many choices.

Having a pool or Jacuzzi where a family can take a relaxing dip is also an excellent idea. Most children love to be in the water. A wide and airy rooftop can also serve as a space for kids to let go of their energies. Having these amenities or facilities will give the family reasons to enjoy and relax. Sometimes, some families only want to stay inside the hotel.

Think of Memorable Packages

Have packages such as “Our First Vacation Together” or “The Great Summer Family Getaway.” These might attract parents to book in your hotel. Be sure to have good inclusions in each package to make their stay very memorable. You can partner with a local beach, zoo, or any tourist attraction. You can also arrange for transportation to and from these destinations. Making the package all-inclusive will help parents to have little to no worries. They will have full enjoyment, instead.

Families with little ones could be an excellent customer base. Hotel owners should find ways to help parents enjoy a vacation with their children. It does not matter if they are first-time parents or seasoned ones. A good rest and an enjoyable break are always welcome treats. Children will also enjoy a new environment with different stimuli.


About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.