Become a More Likable Roommate by Following These Recommendations

roommates talking

Soon, classes will go back to our physical classrooms, and we can all say goodbye to remote learning. There’s no need to contend with spotty Internet connections that freeze your professor’s face mid-lecture. You will finally be spared from the risk of accidentally revealing something quite personal to your entire class.

You can once again enjoy sitting in a hall alongside students who are all eager to learn. There’s so much to be excited about.

Moving back to dorms is probably among the things that you are looking forward to. After spending a lot of time cooped up at home, your goal should be to become the coolest and most likable roommate. Here’s how to pull that off.

Be thoughtful

There are many ways to be thoughtful. For example, if you notice that your roommate is studying intently for an exam, give them the privacy and silence they need. If you have your speakers on, turn down the volume.

Another way to express thoughtfulness is by taking home goodies. For instance, if you go on a grocery run, buy them some snacks, like chips, ramen, or string cheese. Better yet, get them something unusual and interesting that they’ve never tried before, like pizzelles or vegan snacks. They’ll appreciate the gesture.

Be tidy

This is most crucial if your roommate likes things organized and neat. If you’re not the type who’s bothered by mess, make an effort to be less messy. You’ll benefit from a tidy room too. It will be easier to concentrate while you’re studying. You’ll also be more confident in receiving guests.

Do not hog your dorm room’s space

Ideally, your dorm room’s space is divided equally. From the get-go, you and your roommate should decide how you can best partition the floor area. Stick with the agreement you reach. Whether the room has a bunk bed or two single beds will affect how the room will be divided between you two.

Never hog what’s supposed to be your roommate’s space. That’s disrespectful, and that’s one of the easiest ways to turn off your roommate — even if they’re the most patient and kindest person on the entire campus. Remember that you are both trying to maximize the limited space. Be considerate.

roommates doing skin care

Show interest in your roommate’s story

Do not treat your roommate like a stranger. Surely, you also would not want to be treated like that by the person you live with. If your roommate is more reserved than you are, initiate conversations to build your rapport. One surefire way to do that is by showing interest in your roommate’s story.

Ask them about their background. Or what they’re into. Or you can take the intimacy level up a notch by asking about your roommate’s hopes, dreams, fears, and worries.

Give your roommate a head’s up when receiving visitors

At some point, you will receive a visitor to your shared room. That’s part and parcel of the college experience. Your roommate will understand. Most likely, they would invite other people to your space, too.

Make sure to inform your roommate of your plans. That way, they can adjust their schedule accordingly. No matter how close you’ve become with your roommate, there may be times when you want to get to know other people more intimately. Setting a proper schedule can help you and your roommate build trust and respect for each other’s space.

Share when you can

A generous roommate will never be unlikable. So, it’s better to learn to be more open to sharing things with your roommate. The things you share don’t have to be fancy. You can show your generosity via gestures as simple as offering your spare allowance to your roommate if they run out of cash. Once you and your roommate form a stronger bond, the two of you can be more comfortable with each other.

Yes, the university staff assigns two random people to stay in a small room. However, two strangers can become friends later on. You can definitely build a cordial relationship with your roommate. Take it upon yourself to make the first move by exerting an effort to be likable. Who knows, you and your roommate might end up becoming best friends. You can go through the ups and downs of university life together. Once you finish college, you may even be staples in each other’s momentous life occasions.

Do not close your door to the possibility of a friendship with your roommate. Be open-minded, even if they failed to make a good first impression. Give them a chance.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.