A Practical Guide to Planning a Destination Wedding

dream wedding concept

Planning weddings can be a challenging task. And this is even more so for people who want to get married in exotic places. From the conflict of locations to wads of unexpected expenses, the list of problems related to destination weddings goes on.

Hence, we believed it was a good idea to record our experiences, advice, and tips to help anyone plan a destination wedding. Here are some things you should keep in mind when planning a destination wedding:

Legal Aspects

Marriage laws differ in many countries. While many requirements are generally simple in some countries, there are others where you’ll have a few hoops to jump. Hence, before planning anything, make sure you understand the legality and the prerequisites of marriage in your chosen location.

Furthermore, make sure that the marriage in another land will also be valid and recognized in your home country.

Conditions of Residence

When planning a destination wedding, you must also keep the conditions of residence in mind. For instance, France’s residence requirements state that one of the married parties must reside in France for at least 40 consecutive days before the wedding. Hence, always remember to read up and plan accordingly.

Religious Ceremony

If you’re planning to hold a religious ceremony, be sure to check the exact requirements for marriage according to the religion in question. For example, to prove that a couple is eligible for marriage at a Catholic church in Ireland, they must have completed a required pre-marriage course. Furthermore, if you are not a native, some priests may not even allow you to marry in their churches.

Busy Travel Times and Holiday Season

Always think wisely before planning your destination wedding. You’ll face even more issues should your wedding time fall when the particular destination in the country experiences many tourists. Hence, always watch out for this aspect before you move on with the destination wedding idea. Remember to take peak travel timing and other factors into consideration before making any concrete decisions.

Expert Wedding Planner

There are special contractors for event centers and local wedding planners who can allow you to have a more personalized and hands-on approach to your event. Make sure you do your research on local planners. Read through their online reviews of past brides and always ask to see a portfolio of past weddings (which they have organized) before signing a contract with them.

Flying Fatigue

If you are traveling between different time zones, you will likely experience jet lag or travel fatigue. Now while this might not amount to much usually, in such circumstances, it does have the potential to affect your wedding plans. In wedding excitement and last-minute arrangements, we suggest that you keep at least a 48-hour interval between your arrival at your destination and the big day to ensure that you do not get cold feet at the very last moment.

Bridal Luggage Fees

Most airlines will allow brides to bring their wedding dress on board as hand luggage, provided that an extra fee is paid. Contact your airline in advance to clarify their procedures as the pandemic has also affected the travel guidelines.

Wedding Vendors Work Weekends

In any destination wedding, wedding vendors are often the most important and busy people. And this is even more true during the wedding season. Due to different weekday plans in various destinations, you must always check the availability of vendors and book them for your specific dates beforehand to avoid running into any problems at the last minute.

Have a Wedding Insurance

engaged couple

Life is unpredictable. There are many twists and turns to life, and sometimes things don’t turn out the way you want them to. Nobody wants their wedding to become one of those “things.” Hence, you should always consider some wedding insurance options when planning your wedding.

This short consideration includes:

  • Review your insurance policy.
  • Make sure that your insurance service provider covers the area of your destination wedding.
  • Double-check on any indications of any act of god (tsunamis, earthquakes, etc.) type events.
  • Check for insurance guidelines, precisely the time to be spent to become eligible for the insurance.

Minimalistic Decor

Avoid too much decor. One of the most amazing aspects of a destination wedding is that you don’t need too many “wedding supplies” or extravagant decor. Stun (and get stunned) by the simplistic beauty that comes along with a destination wedding.

Planning a Destination Wedding

Planning a wedding in a different country can be difficult and extremely frustrating. If you are up for the challenge, by all means, go for it. However, for it to succeed, you must have patience with all the formalities and hardships of having the perfect dream destination wedding.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.