5 Auto Care Tips to Keep Your Car Running

The cost of cars is no joke. Some go for hundreds of thousands of dollars upon purchase and cost even more to maintain. People who aren’t fascinated by the thought of paying for a new vehicle after 5 years or so must learn about the little and big factors when it comes to taking care of cars.

It’s easy to ignore your car’s hiccups especially when they don’t prevent your car from running, but the thing about cars is that no matter the size of problems, they can eventually grow bigger and render your car useless.

A small paint chip that gets rusty can destroy the whole exterior of a car and leave its vulnerable parts subject to water and dust exposure which can cause problems that are expensive to fix. If you think about it, getting a clear bra service wouldn’t cost you as much as a general exterior restoration would.

That’s just one of the hundreds of problems your car may encounter during its lifetime. But remember that in keeping a car running for a long time, prevention is always better than cure.

Here are five tips that will help keep your car working as your go-to medium for going from point A to point B:

1. Keep the fluids at desirable levels.

It’s not just the engine oil we’re discussing here, but all types of fluid your car needs to run smoothly. It can be your windshield washer, brake fluid, engine coolant, power steering fluid, or the water that is stored in your car’s radiator.

All those fluids have recommended levels that you need to maintain to keep your car servicing you for a long time without problems. It’s easy to let them dip to dangerously low levels because most of the time, there are no meters that show you their current levels.

It’s not difficult to maintain them at good levels because refilling these fluids can be done without paying for a mechanic. Make sure you have the right tools and the right fluid types of your car needs and you’re good to go.

2. Don’t leave your car out in the open too much.

This is a simple tip but is usually overlooked by most car owners. Especially the ones without enough indoor or covered parking spaces. You need to understand that winter isn’t the only time when it’s advisable to park your car indoors, but you should always do that whenever you can.

You’ll be saving your car from exposure to elements that are detrimental to its lifespan and its engine from harsh temperature changes.

Just like your body can’t handle extreme temperature swings, your car can’t do the same. Keeping them indoors will help them stay dry and warm during winter, and cool and shaded during summer.

Less stress on your car means more time for it to work.

3. Car washes should be regular.

If you live in an area where winters are especially bad, you’re aware of how much the cold affects cars and other types of vehicles. Road salt is highly corrosive and can much on your car’s body.

What will help you avoid that is getting your car washed regularly to prevent rust from developing. Car washes aren’t expensive. Getting them frequently won’t cost you more than a bodywork will.

You don’t only get a squeaky-clean ride all the time, but you also get a long-lasting car.

washing a car with a sponge

4. Use the right engine oil.

The wrong but accepted wisdom about engine oils is that any kind will do. But what most car owners don’t know is the wrong type of engine oil being poured in the wrong car for a long time can lead to a car breaking down and require costly repairs.

It’s not a difficult task to consult your car’s manual when you get your car and enlighten yourself about the right parts and fluids your car needs to run smoothly.

You’ll find that it’s fairly easy to find the right products for your car when you know how to take care of your car by heart because you’ve gone through the manual as you should.

5. Use your parking brake.

What’s usually called the emergency brake is a bit of untouched territory to most drivers. They accept the notion that they only need to use that mysterious lever if they’re having a hard time taking control of their car.

But the truth is, using the parking or emergency brake should be done as much as possible. It helps the engine and lifts stress off of it and prolong its lifespan. It won’t take a lot to pull it up and down. Getting used to using it will save your car’s engine.

About Faye Gonzales 1661 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.