How to Find Love and Have a Serious Relationship

Finding the right person who you would want to spend the rest of your life with and who would want to be with you through thick and thin is never easy. In fact, even married couples can realize in the midst of their relationship that they are not meant for each other, leading to a split and divorce. The divorce rates, though, should not be a cause of concern for single individuals who want to find their true love. Every person’s relationship goals and love stories are different, which means that what happened to other people’s relationships may not necessarily happen to them as well.

If you are a single individual looking to find true love, here are some tips on how you can land in a serious relationship:

Look for Love

Pepper Shwartz, a sociology professor and relationship expert suggests looking for love instead of just waiting for it to come. According to her, finding love can be likened to searching for a job. No one gets employed by just doing nothing. A person has to find work to land a job, and the same is true for finding true love. Therefore, if you are really serious about finding the love of your life and you are ready for a relationship, then now may be the right time to start scouting for a possible fit. You can go on blind dates, be visible on online dating websites, or use professional matchmakers to help you find the right person for you.

Your visibility on online dating websites can augment your chances of finding “The One”. It helps you meet people outside of your network. You may also be able to find people who have the same preferences, religion, faith, core values, and interests as you. In addition, it is a convenient way to meet new people. With online dating, you can sort through all your varied choices and be able to date only those that you feel are your perfect match.

Matchmakers, though, may provide better chances of you finding your true love. They can find the person who may be the perfect match for your personality and who are likely to like you back in return.

Be Real

People who show their genuine self are likely able to get a good match better than when they pretend to be someone they are not. Genuine people are more attracted to authenticity. When you show your true self, you will also likely be able to meet someone who will also be true to you, someone who will truly appreciate and recognize you for who you are.

Be Your Best

Being your best self can set the standard for the person you want to be with for the rest of your life. If you want someone who takes being physically fit seriously, then you should be keeping yourself physically fit as well. Do you want someone who always sees the best in people and situations? Then be that person, too. You will attract people who will have the same likes as you.

couple sitting together


Meeting someone new with the intention of having a serious relationship with them means you should be able to communicate your desires to other people around you. Be willing to engage in conversations and make connections. Even if you know that the person you are talking to is not the right one for you, communicate anyway. Who knows, these connections may lead to the person who is destined to become your true love.

Stay Happy

Optimism is alluring. People are always attracted to those who are happy and live a cheerful life. Being happy also keeps you away from stress, which can make you look more radiant as you go with your daily grind. Happiness can make you attractive and may likely attract a partner who can share your happiness for the rest of your life.

Take Time Away from Your Phone

You will be surprised how many beautiful people you will meet when you do not keep all your attention on your phone. Phones and gadgets can distract you and can keep you from meeting the person that is likely to become your partner. Take time to look around. Make eye contact with strangers and give them your most genuine smile. It will make them talk to you and be interested in you.

Finding true love and getting into a serious relationship can happen when you are ready for it. Do not stress too much about what other people may think of you. Exude a sense of confidence and always be positive that one day you will meet your true love who will stay with you till the end.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.