How to Start Your Own Rest House Business

bunk bed

A new chapter has been added as the year 2020 came to an end, and the year 2021 is certainly a clean slate waiting to be filled by a lot of unforgettable leisure moments you wish you had last year. However, the pandemic is still looming and you might not be able to plan out your next getaway hassle-free. Perhaps, now may be the time for you to think long-term with your passion for travel and build something out of it. And by build, we mean planning to construct a resthouse of your own!

Planning out a construction project for one does not mean that this could only be for your own and your family’s vacation needs—you can also invest and turn it into a business, too. Guesthouses, or sometimes called Airbnb and also B&B, are a lot more preferable for most people when they decide to have a getaway that screams home away from home.

There are still a lot of factors to consider when planning to build one, such as your budget for construction, finding the right contractors, and ensuring that your needed interior installations are complete and hazard-free. You may find a lot of reliable maintenance and installation services teams such as Maintracts Services Ltd that will guarantee you an excellent plumbing and electrical system that your customers will undoubtedly appreciate. You may also consider the following pros and cons when deciding where to build your house in a strategic location:

Rural Areas


  • A more peaceful surrounding
  • Great landscape view
  • No nearby hotels to accommodate travelers
  • Refreshing and relaxing atmosphere


  • You may be forced to charge less
  • Less restaurants and cafes as an alternative for your client’s food needs
  • Less visibility in the market

rental bedroom

Urban Setting


  • Busier atmosphere so it’s easy to find customers
  • Convenient
  • Lots of surrounding restaurants
  • Popular with most travelers, especially those on business trips


  • May have too much noise
  • Customers may expect you to be open 24/7
  • Hassle-prone atmosphere

Sure, hotels are a lot fancier and will give you the accommodations and comfort worth the price you paid for, but still, nothing beats the feeling of being able to occupy something as your own even for just a short period. There are a lot of pros in building your own rest house business especially in this era, such as:

  • People are looking for ways for a much cheaper itinerary. By choosing a guest house over a well-known and fancy hotel in the destined area of vacation, they are ultimately set to pay a cheaper price without sacrificing the quality of their stay. Depending on the location where you want to build your house, accommodating foreign travelers in such a way that they would feel they have a home to their own will give them the best of both worlds.
  • Well-needed and wanted privacy. Most of the time, travelers would just want to stay away from any disturbance or unwanted noise in your area. In hotels, some room occupants, or even you, could be a nuisance especially when other people just want to rest and relax properly. When you rent a guesthouse for your family or friends, you would appreciate having the property all to yourself, without the need to worry if you disturb other guests. This would be something that your occupants would highly appreciate.
  • You can personalize their stay. Since you and your company are mostly the only ones renting the whole property to yourself, any need that you might have will be accommodated for you properly and without hassle. The same goes for your clients. For them to experience a satisfactory service from your rest house, you or your employee must be able to serve them willingly and show them the beauty of the area they are in—to make their stay between traveling worth it.
  • You can amplify their interest in the local culture. When you decide to construct your guesthouse in a strategic location that is at the heart of a place full of culture, your customers will ultimately be interested in it. Make their stay a lot more worthwhile by giving them a little more background about the place that they are staying in. They’ll surely look forward to staying there again when they feel comfortable and connected at their first stay!
  • Hassle-free check-ins and check-outs. Not only is this an advantage for your customers, but it will also save you a lot of time! Because rest houses are generally only suitable for one party, no waiting list will stress you out as you will be only accommodating a good number of people.

Given the state of the world right now, people are certainly aching to have their first getaways as soon as the pandemic subsides. Extract your experiences from your travels and give them the best stay-ins that they deserve! Bring out the travel enthusiast in you and turn it into a business, and you’ll surely fall in love with it in no time.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.