What Teens Need to Know About Plastic Surgery

plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is becoming more and more common nowadays, even for people under the age of 20. Interested in getting plastic surgery as a teenager? Here are some things you should know first.

In 2017 alone, close to 230,000 adolescents between 13 and 19 years old underwent some type of cosmetic surgery. From scarless rhinoplasty service in Los Angeles to reconstructive surgery in New York, more people are turning to plastic surgery to improve their physical appearance, among many other reasons.

However, at such a young age, what do teenagers need to know about getting plastic surgery? If you are under 20 and thinking about getting plastic surgery, here are some facts that you should be aware of before making a decision:

1. You must initiate the request

Before going to a plastic surgeon, you must be the one to initiate the request for plastic surgery to your parents, not the other way around. Then, it is your parents’ responsibility to guide you through the decision-making process and the management of expectations.

2. Plastic surgery may not solve your problems

A lot of teens get plastic surgery to address some sort of cosmetic issue, such as an irregularly shaped nose or breasts that are too large. For other teens, plastic surgery is a means to correct a birth defect or a result of an accident. In both cases, one must be aware that plastic surgery may not fix all of your problems. Although surgery can correct the issue physically, it may not solve your self-esteem or image issues at least not right away.

3. Results are not instant

When you get plastic surgery, don’t expect to see the results right away. For most procedures, the permanent results will appear after a few days or more than a week. That said, it’s best to get the procedure done during school breaks so you won’t have to miss any classes while in recovery.

4. Some procedures are inappropriate for teens


There are some cosmetic procedures that are usually seen as inappropriate for people under 18. Examples of such procedures are breast enlargement, cheek implants, and liposuction, among many others. So, if you are thinking of getting one or more of these procedures done, you may have to wait until you’re 18 years old.

5. Procedures may be irreversible

Obviously, many cosmetic procedures render irreversible results. For this reason, spend a lot of time mulling the matter over, preferably with your parents. Think twice or even thrice before settling on a decision, as plastic surgery can be permanent.

6. Think about other ways to improve your physical appearance

If you want to get plastic surgery to enhance your physical appearance, it might be better to try other means of self-improvement first. For example, try losing or gaining weight to see if the change satisfies your desire to look better. Alternatively, try changing up your hairstyle, wardrobe, skincare regimen, makeup, and other non-surgery related ways to modify your appearance.

Plastic surgery can bring forth a significant change in one’s life, especially if you are still in your teen years. This change can be beneficial for you, but it can also be detrimental, which is why it’s crucial to spend more than enough time thinking about it. If you want to get plastic surgery as a teenager, talk to a reputable plastic surgeon with your parents to see what your options are.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.