How to Control Your Wedding Guest List

bride and groom in their wedding day

A huge factor that plays into wedding expenses is the number of people who will be attending. If you want to keep your guest list under control, here are some things you should know.

Not many people realize this, but a wedding guest list can blow out of proportion at a rapid pace. You may start with a hundred guests between you and your fiance, only to end up with a final number of 200. Inviting too many people can mean disaster for your wedding budget. So, how can you keep your guest list under control?

Here are some tips to help manage your guest list wisely:

1. Plan your budget

Look for wedding venues in Kansas City and other affordable yet beautiful places to get married at. Find a venue that fits in your budget well, and find out how many people you can fit in the place. This will give you a good idea of how many people you can invite without making the place too crowded.

Take a look at catering costs as well. Ask around for quotes on how much each plate would be so you can better gauge your food budget for the wedding, and how many people you can afford to feed.

2. Divide the numbers

If you can afford to have a hundred guests, divide that number between you and your fiance. If one of you has too many or too few guests on your list, make adjustments accordingly so that you end up at your target number of guests.

3.  Give your parents a limited number of guests

Your and your fiances’ parents may also want to invite their guests, even if you don’t know any of them. You can allow your parents to invite their guests, but set a limit as to how many they can invite.

4. Date RSVP early

Have your guests RSVP to the invitation at least a month before the wedding. If some people send their regrets, this will allow you to invite other guests who you originally wanted to invite but didn’t have room for on the guest list (also known as the “B List”). Make sure to spend the B List invites as soon as you can so it won’t be too apparent to your guests that they are on the non-priority list.

5. Decide on Plus One rules

carved-design wedding invitations

The ‘Plus One’ also plays a significant factor in the length of your guest list. Decide if you want to have a plus one only for married couples, or if you want to allow engaged or long-term couples as well.

6. Skip children

Not only is a no-kids wedding more enjoyable for the guests, especially for those who are parents, but it’s also a great way to pare down your guest list as well.

7. Think twice about inviting coworkers

If you invite some of your coworkers, then not inviting the others may cause unnecessary workplace drama. Consider skipping the coworkers entirely, unless you have strong connections with some of your colleagues.

Final Advice

Managing your guest list can be difficult, mainly because you can’t invite everyone you want. If you feel bad about crossing some names off the list, always remember that a guest list should be made up of people that you know will support your marriage all the way.

If you feel that some of your friends don’t deserve a seat at your wedding, don’t feel guilty about crossing out their name.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.