Listen Up Runners! Here’s What You Need to Know About Iliotibial Band Syndrome

leg crampsPlenty of runners suffer from painful and aching iliotibial bands, commonly known as ITBS or iliotibial band syndrome. This is among the most typical causes of runner’s knee, and studies state that it accounts for as much as 22% of injuries related to overused muscles among runners. Because it’s an “overuse injury”, it typically comes about due to repeated trauma instead of a particular incident.

What Exactly is the Iliotibial Band?

Your iliotibial band is basically a fibrous tissue band spanning down your thigh’s outside portion. Its main function is providing stability to both your hip and knee as well as preventing your joints from being dislocated. However, it could also tighten, overdevelop, and rub across the outside portion of your knee and hip bone. Every single time that you flex your hip or bend your knee, your iliotibial band also rubs against your bone. It’s specifically widespread in cyclists, runners, and individuals who do aerobic activities. In addition, weak hip abductors likewise play a critical part in causing ITBS.

In general, warning signs of ITBS typically include the following:

  • Significant pain on the outside portion of your hip or knee.
  • Snapping pain in your hip because of your iliotibial band snapping back and forth over your hip points.
  • Pain that decreases with immobility and ample rest.
  • Pain that subsides when you stretch your iliotibial band.

Plenty of patients suffering from ITBS begin to feel some relief within several weeks with proper treatment.

How is ITBS Treated?

Treatment for ITBS generally aims to uncover and diagnose what’s exactly causing your ITBS and minimize inflammation and pain. ITBS treatment must also include modifications to your training or exercise routine to alleviate your pain and prevent it from reoccurring. Physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises should be a major component of your treatment. Done correctly, this would normalize your hip’s range of motion, lower limb muscle length, and strengthen all your leg, hip, and knee muscles. This would likewise improve your balance, agility, and proprioception.

Main Things to Remember

ITBS is a common muscle overuse injury that causes significant pain on your affected knee’s outside portion, particularly when your heel comes in contact with the ground while running. Treatment includes ample rest, ice and heat, pain relievers (in some cases), and most importantly, proper stretching exercises. On the other hand, if your symptoms still persist, you can have orthopedic surgery in Provo. This is a minimally invasive procedure that would open up or “window” your tendon, thereby reducing the friction.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.