Face the Facts: Waste Generation in Australia and Ways to Solve the Problem

Four Recycle BinsRubbish accumulates easily in every Australian household. The country is enjoying economic gains in the past few decades. More people have the means to buy products they need, and products they don’t really need but buy anyway. It is not surprising that a consumerist society will produce a significant volume of waste.

Tonnes of solid waste to deal with

Waste generation is a significant problem in developing countries, Little Green Truck ponders. Aside from the staggering amount of rubbish, additional problems arise, such as greater complexity in types of waste. There’s the problem of increasing levels of toxicity as well. Your local rubbish removal service has to deal with a huge volume of domestic waste. Some go directly to landfills, while others are processed in dedicated sites for recycling.

One of the biggest concerns these days is the sheer volume of plastic products produced, used, and disposed. They last for hundreds of years and accumulate in the environment. Plastic litter, which ends up in aquatic environments, may cause harm to seabirds and marine animals. Fortunately, plastic products such as bags and bottles are some of the most recycled household waste products in the country today. If you take responsibility, you can remove plastic litter from the environment, and put them to good use once again.

Working together for a better future

The majority of Australian households have access to recycling facilities. If you want to be part of the solution, you will find a way to gain access to proper disposal and recycling facilities. You can also make the effort to segregate the waste generated in your household. On the part of waste collectors, they can exercise responsibility by offering better quality rubbish bins, provide a system for segregation of waste, and modify collection frequency when needed.

Australia is the second biggest producer of waste worldwide after the United States. When you change the way you deal with household waste, you can help make significant changes, and ensure a better future for the next generation of Australians.

About Faye Gonzales 1660 Articles
Meet our chief explorer, Faye Gonzales. With over a decade of travel experience, Faye is not only a passionate globetrotter but also a loving mom who understands the unique needs of family travelers. Her insights into family-friendly destinations and travel tips make her a trusted guide for parents seeking memorable adventures with their children.